Chin Filler

Chin Filler

The chin filler, which is among the aesthetic methods we use to apply in the face area, is a very important detail for determining the shape of the face.

Chin Filler
Chin Filler

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What is Chin Filler?

The chin filler, which is among the aesthetic methods we use to apply in the face area, is a very important detail for determining the shape of the face. The filling process is applied to eliminate the irregularities in the chin’s area to bring a better appearance in terms of aesthetics. The filling process applied by specialist doctors using the highest quality filling materials gives the jaw structure all the sharp features that the person wants. With this technique, which is applied with no surgery, it is ensured that the chin part is in full harmony with the face.

The chin-filling process, which is carried out using a special filler, is completed by injecting the substance into the chin with the help of an injection. With this method, chin details are made more prominent. Hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite, polymer, and filling materials taken from fat cells in the human body are ideal for this method. Offering a variety of different materials, our company is among the best in this field. Before this filling process, the entire face is photographed and transferred to the computer environment. Thus, different jaw structures are tested on the face, and the most suitable jaw structure is preferred and the decision phase of the application is completed.

What Is The Purpose Of Applying Chin Filler?

The chin-filling process, which has a very important effect on the chin part to take the desired shape of the person, allows the area to regain its volume. People who complain about the incompatibility between the chin and the face mostly prefer this method, which is easily applied within our clinic. In addition, the size of the jaw, sagging, and a very weak structure are among the biggest reasons for the demand for this filling process.

Why Do We Need

Chin Fillers?

Genetic factors that reveal the incompatibility of the chin with the face shape, the jaw structure that changes shape with the effect of aging over time, and the disproportionateness around the chin are the factors that direct people to the chin-filling process.

In addition, the fact that the tip of the chin is smaller than normal and has a hollowed appearance creates the need for this filling.

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    What are the Advantages of Chin Fillers?

    One of the most important advantages of this chin-filling treatment is that the application used in this method, which does not include the surgical technique, includes very simple steps and it’s painless, as well as providing a magnificent chin appearance in a very short time. In addition, it is among the advantages of filling treatment that it provides a fast healing process and a younger appearance by making the desired chin.

    Chin filling aesthetic application, which is among the aesthetic methods applied by our clinic, solves many problems. Aesthetic problems such as line sagging in the chin parts, dimples on the tip of the chin, the difference in the tip’s size, the chin being positioned behind the mouth structure, and losing clarity of the chin area, which has a distinctive structure, are solved in a very short time with this filling method. Thus, it makes you look visually beautiful and more attractive.

    Which Aesthetic Problems Are Treated With Chin Filler?

    Can Chin Fillers Be Removed?

    Filling processes that contain hyaluronic acid as a filler material can be repeated as many times as you wish. The hyaluronic acid filler, which loses its properties over time, will melt and disappear on its own. For this reason, the fillers can be removed since it melts and it is not permanent.

    30 Minutes
    Operation Time
    Local Anesthesia
    Type of Anesthesia
    3-5 Days
    Back to Work
    2 Years
    Not Required
    Chin Filler

    Do you want to have a unique chin line?

    Contact us for further information about Chin Filler with Rebornia Center

    How Long Does The Chin Filler Application Last?

    The permanence of the chin filler, which varies according to the material used during chin-filling applications, lasts for an average of 2 years.

    How Do I Take Care of Myself After Chin-Filling Application?

    Nowadays, the chin-filling procedure, which is applied without any gender discrimination, requires great care. After this application, which takes a very short time and is concluded with no surgery, it is necessary not to be in extremely hot and cold environments until the redness that occurs after the filling process disappears. In this process, it is necessary to avoid the consumption of substances such as alcohol and every blood-thinning product.

    What Are The Deformities Observed In The Chin Area?

    Disorders such as the size differences between the lower jaw and the upper jaw that are congenital or because of different reasons, the chin part being left behind from the face area, the upper jaw being drooping, or the lower jaw being unclear are described as deformities in the jaw region. All these defects are resolved in a short time with the filling method applied by our clinic.

    Does Chin Tip Filling Cause Any Problems After Melting?

    It is of great importance that the material to be used during the filling treatment made in the tip of the chin, which is of great importance to ensure the integrity of the face shape and a beautiful appearance, is of high quality. Otherwise, the time-dependent melting filler may cause an ugly appearance on the chin.

    Is Chin Filler Procedure Painful and How Long Does It Take?

    This procedure, which does not contain any incisions, allows the person to have a painless procedure. In addition, the use of partially numbing creams and gels during the injection is a support element in the painless process of this procedure.


    Can A Younger Face Be Obtained With Jawline Filler?

    Jawline filling, which is the most important one among the filling techniques applied to the chin part, is a permanent solution. The jawline filling, which comes into play because of the change of the jaw structure by affecting the facial structure over time and disrupting the healthy appearance of the triangle, brings along a young and healthy appearance.


    How Many CC Fillers Should Be Used for Jaw Filling?


    Filling techniques that differ in the field of aesthetics are graded according to the area in which they are used. This subject, which our expert staff has detailed knowledge of, is of great importance for successful results. Using the accurate amount of filling material both increases the success rate of the filling and causes it to last longer.

    In the chin filling technique applied at this stage, if the filling process will not be applied to the chin tip, it is applied as an average of 2cc/ml or 2 injectors. If the chin tip is small and filling will be applied to the tip, a 3 cc/ml filling application is performed as 3 injectors.


    Those Who Have Chin Fillers

    The feedback of those who have had filling procedures applied to achieve a more beautiful jaw structure is based on very successful results. In the comments made by those who received this service from our clinic, it is applied with high-quality filling materials and the price range is reasonable.

    Chin Filler Prices

    The Rebornia Center family clearly reveals the difference in the price tag of the filling procedures. Since this treatment, which is included in the aesthetic category, is performed without resorting to surgical technique, it is labeled with more reasonable prices as a price range. Our clinic applies the chin filling method with very affordable costs in this field, considering customer satisfaction, on a premium level.

    Don't Have A Question

    We have compiled the most frequently asked questions by our patients for you.

    Curious about chin filler

    The permanence of the chin filler, which varies according to the material used during chin-filling applications, lasts for an average of 2 years.

    The filling process, which is known as a very short-term process, includes an average of 15 minutes.

    By Rebornia Center • Medical review by Hasan Alım, M.D. on May 06, 2022.

    Published Jan 06, 2022 Updated May 06, 2022.

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